Yummy Jello

Yummy Jello
Don't you just want to sit in it?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Happy same year

So here we are a new year, a fresh start, a new beginning! Oh crap who are we kidding. It is mediocracy as usual. When you walk into 7-11 the dime bag clerk is still going to call you boss in a feeble attempt to put you lower than him. The idiots in the frozen food isle of the supermarket are still going to hold the freezer door open hence fogging up all the glass so nobody else can see the next sodium infested meal that will line there oversized American gut. You are still going to go to work and have to deal with the same passive aggressive morons that somehow get paid more than you do.
Don't get me wrong, I am not one to eat kittens for breakfast. Though I have kicked some puppies in my day. Metaphorically speaking of course. It is hard to get into the hype of a NEW year when everything is the same. I guess we should all try to change it up and do different things. My girlfriend is going on and on about how great it feels to sit in jello.
So that is it! When I get home today I am going to fill the bathtub full of jello, sit back, relax, and think of all the ways I can make this a new year.